15 May 2010


When warm’d with zeal, my rustic Muse
Feels fluttering fain to tell her news,
And paint her simple, lowly views
      With all her art,
And, though in genius but obtuse,
      May touch the heart.

Of palaces and courts of kings
She thinks but little, never sings,
But wildly strikes her uncouth strings
      In some pool cot,
Spreads o’er the poor hen fostering wings,
      And soothes their lot.

Well pleased is she to see them smile,
And uses every honest wile
To mend then hearts, their cares beguile,
       With rhyming story,
And lend them to then God the while,
      And endless glory.

Perchance, my poor neglected Muse
Unfit to harass or amuse,
Escaping praise and loud abuse,
      Unheard, unknown,
May feed the moths and wasting dews,
      As some have done.